Contact Staff

Parent Initiated Contact of PCA Staff Members


It is so important for parents and guardians to be able to contact teachers. We love it when you share compliments, concerns, and work with us to ensure your child’s success. It is also important to make sure all communication is respectful, honoring the dignity and professionalism of our educators, trusting their expertise and love for the children in their care.
If you have questions or concerns about the actions of a teacher, please set an appointment to speak with them directly. All questions regarding classroom practice, incidents, concerns, or suggestions for classroom options for improvement should first be communicated to the classroom teacher. Teachers will handle most cases of disciplinary action. Please respect that teachers are only able to discuss discipline of those under your legal care.

If you have a need to contact your child’s teacher with a non-urgent communication, please email them, and we pledge to respond within 48 hours. In most cases we will respond much more quickly, as emails are checked daily. Delays may result with emails sent on Friday afternoons or during school breaks. The easiest way to email is using your Jupiter account. Just sign in and write your message to the teacher. If for some reason you are having difficulty with this, you can also email any PCA staff member with their full first name followed by their last name initial, with no spaces or periods For example: In emails you can communicate information, seek clarification, or ask for a phone or in-person appointment.

It is very important to have access to teachers, and arrangements can easily be made to meet with a teacher to discuss anything that is best discussed in person. Our teachers are deeply invested in each child and love the opportunity to get to know you better. If something has been communicated to a classroom teacher, and you are unsatisfied with the outcome, an appointment can be made with both the teacher and administration.


Please respect that our teachers have families and personal lives, and it is important for them to set boundaries and be able to "unplug" from school in order to maintain a healthful work-life balance. Following the above guidelines should enable you to access the teacher as needed without overstepping those boundaries. We ask that you not call/text teachers on their personal phones unless they have given you their number themselves and given you permission to contact them that way. Even with permission, please do not call/text during weekends, holidays, or school breaks, or after 6 p.m. on school days.


School Administration
For questions regarding clarification of larger school practice, policy, programs, or concerns that have been unresolved with other staff members (despite communication efforts), please contact the principal, Jessica Lower. Administration will also work with disciplinary actions that are escalated due to repetition or severity. Please respect that administration is only able to discuss discipline of those under your legal care. Please understand that issues regarding modifications of polices, service, or questions of procedure may be assessed as more strategically advantageous, to address at a later date. If administration determines that immediate action is needed, it will be referred to and examined by the appropriate committee.  We appreciate your patience as the best solutions are determined.

Jessica Lower, Principal
(509) 325-1985 (Ask to be transferred)

School Office
If you have general compliments, questions or concerns, please contact the main school office and our office administrator Kathy Stratte at:
Kathy Stratte, Office Administrator
(509) 325-1985


School Business Office
For questions regarding your account, payment method or monthly statement, please contact our school treasurer.
Louise Corbin, Treasurer
(509) 325-1985 (Ask to be transferred)


Palisades Christian Academy Board
If the administration has been contacted and there is still a question whether school policy or procedure is being followed, a request can be made to add this to as an agenda item at a regularly scheduled board meeting. The request must be made to the principal or board chair, describing the concern at least one week prior to the meeting. 

Brooke Colburn, Board Chair